Sunday, August 14, 2011

2010 Hairstyles

2010 Celebrity Punk Hairstyles 1
It seems at the fashion shows that punk hair is coming in.Even if I do think it’s a bit toned down . Now I love this hairstyle and the coloured streaks looks so good. I hope that this makes it to street fashion because I love it so much but then again I don’t as punk might become to commercialised.
2010 Celebrity Punk Hairstyles 2 
Nice to see short hair too! Which Rihanna looks amazing in.
2010 Celebrity Punk Hairstyles 3
Wow I love the whole bed-heady-I-don’t-care-hair and the hair dyed parts remind me of unicorns with the rest of her hair I love her studded punk jacket and her glasses (which I now own a similar pair). I am surprised at how such light girlish colours look so punky and right with her clothes.
2010 Celebrity Punk Hairstyles 4
Had to feature her with the punk faze/style I’m into. I think this hairstyle would look good also in red/copper/black/bleach blonde.

I’ve also seen some lovely Rapunzal-esque plaits in too.

such soft hairstyles too love the diversity of all these hairstyles.

p.s birthday haulage will be done on the weekend so I can do a outfit shoot to with my twinny